Ani-One is a diversified Japanese animation content platform wholly-owned by Medialink, featuring Massive and Express anime content including popular Japanese animated movies and cartoon series ranging from Kid-fun-and-adventure shows to the most in-demand Teen-action-thrilling titles, airing close to Japan telecasts and suitable for teenagers & kidult.
Ani-One YouTube ChannelWe have launched our YouTube Channel in October 2019 with daily upload of new episode, more content, more views and more subscribers will be lining up with Ani-One
Ani-One YouTube Memberhsip - ULTRA
Ani-One YouTube membership ULTRA is a paid subscription basis. Anime fans can join the membership through YouTube and gained the member badge and Ani-One ambassador Ani-Gal’s stickers. Anime fans also able to watch specific simulcast title and classic anime which updated quarterly.
Ani-Music-One is the anime music campaign which co-hosted and produced by Ani-One and Sony Music. It is a mini anime music lives for local singers to performance and cover the anime songs. Bringing a different hearing experience to anime fans!
Ani-One has been produced a series of anime and ACG-oriented vlogs and entertainment videos for anime fans in Asia. Ani-One Host will bring fans to different ACG offline events and expos, introduce different topics related to anime IPs and interact with fans.
Ani-One Asia will soon have its self-produced content which mainly introduces the hottest news about the anime world, new manga and comic launches, and the latest trends covering fan-related interests. Also, featuring well noted anime industry resource guests who will share their expertise and experiences (and a little bit of industry secrets), this new content is definitely a must-watch for all fans.
Ani-Mi, Asia Anime for you and me
Ani-Mi is one of the animation brands owned by the Medialink Group. In October 2023, the Ani-Mi Asia YouTube channel launched. It is dedicated to providing audiences in Asia with new platforms for hot and popular animation produced by Asia. Watch authentic animations to expand your horizons in the field. Also, the channel offers new animations that air concurrently with Asia territories, allowing animation fans to stay up with the latest animation trends by watching Ani-Mi. Let everyone benefit from a quicker and more practical animation platform.